Legal Expense

Legal Expense

Legal expense coverage offers protection against legal cost both while defending a claim against them made by a customer or supplier and while pursuing a claim against a customer or supplier.

Target Markets

    • Small to medium enterprises with up to $10,000,000 in revenue (businesses with receipts greater than $10,000,000 can be referred)
    • Condominium/Strata Corporations with up to 300 Units (corporations with more than 300 units can be referred)

    Product Highlights

    • Condominium/Strata Product
      • Any One Claim – $100,000
      • Annual Aggregate – $250,000
      • Access to Free Legal Information Service
      • Coverages Included:
        • Debt Recovery
        • Contractual Disputes
        • Civil Defence
        • Criminal Defence
        • Personal Injury
        • Property Disputes
        • Defence of Disputes with Owners
    • Small/Medium Enterprise Product
      • Any One Claim – $50,000
      • Annual Aggregate – $100,000
      • Access to Free Legal Information Service
      • Coverages Included:
        • Debt Recovery
        • Contractual Disputes
        • Property Disputes
        • Employment Disputes
        • Personal Injury
        • Legal Defence
        • Tax Audit
        • Statutory Business License Protection

    Submit your applications to:

    If you have a book of business and are looking for a legal expense solution to offer all clients, please contact us at: