Product Recall

Product Recall

This product is aimed at a wide range of industries, including food and beverage, nutraceuticals, automotive components, consumer products, non-invasive medical devices and more. Our product recall offering includes errors by contract manufacturers and product guarantee. Also included are cyber product tamper and software product safety – an increasingly important area of risk given the trend towards automated production and logistics, as well as the prevalence of hardware controlled by software in consumer products and vehicles.

Target Markets

    • Automotive components
    • Consumer products
    • Food and beverage
    • Non-invasive medical devices
    • Nutraceuticals

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    Product Highlights

    • Limits up to $20,000,000
    • Deductibles as low as $5,000
    • Premiums as low as $5,000
    • Coverages Included:
      • Malicious product tampering and extortion
      • Cyber product safety
      • Rectification coverage
      • Business interruption coverage
      • Ancillary product recall costs
      • Brand and reputation protection
      • Pre-incident crisis consultancy fund
      • Recall event liability endorsement
    • Optional Coverages:
      • Customer Business Interruption
      • Retailers’ Expenses
      • Religious Product Specification Guarantee
      • Recall Event Liability
      • Claims Preparation Costs
      • Customer Refusal
      • Government plant suspension
      • Regulatory advisory
      • Product tamper for financial gain
      • Animal by-product