

Unfortunately, the threat of terrorism and other acts of mass violence is ever-present. Whether impacted directly or indirectly, when these acts do occur they can have a significant impact on a company’s property, employees and its ability to trade.
Insurance can play a role in mitigating the fallout from these malicious events. The two most common policies available for businesses are terrorism & sabotage insurance and active assailant insurance.

Target Markets

    • Commercial property
    • Offices
    • Residential homes & apartment blocks
    • Retail shops
    • Hotels
    • Schools & colleges
    • Leisure & hospitality

    Product Highlights

    • Terrorism and Sabotage Coverage:
      • Property limits up to $200,000,000 (with or without CGL limit)
      • Utilities covered up to $2,500,000
      • Contingent Business Interruption limits up to $2,500,000
      • Deductibles as low as $0
      • Broad, standalone policy
      • Single location or multi location options available
        • Schedules up to $1,000,000,000 providing a maximum limit of $200,000,000
      • Bodily injury and property damage liability
      • Includes physical damage to buildings as well as loss of income and extra expenses due to business interruption after an incident
    • Active Assailant Coverage:
      • Limits up to $10,000,000 any one event and annually
      • Sub limits can be applied to specific coverage sections if required
      • Limits for victim compensation are 10% of the total policy limit (or coverage sublimit), per victim
      • Crisis response coverage
      • Victim and organization support coverage
      • Legal liability coverage
      • Physical damage to buildings or contents
      • Business interruption and loss of attraction coverage
      • No restriction on what can be considered a ‘weapon’ for use in an assailant attack
      • Worldwide coverage available
      • No monetary or time deductibles

    Submit your applications to: underwriting@taycon.ca